Self-Service R&D Data Marketplace

Premier provider of Insurance insights & analytics sought to strengthen data security protocols, empower data scientists and accelerate new product development through the establishment of
a cloud-based, self-service data marketplace.
Problem Statement
- Inconsistent data usage guidelines, governance practices & policy enforcement
- Frequent hardware reliability and performance issues
- Lengthy product development cycles
Exusia Solution
- Develop standardized data ingestion & provisioning frameworks
- Introduce bronze (raw), silver (sanitized), gold (integrated) data tiers for usage/quality delineation
- Consolidate disparate data catalogs and automate data governance/approval workflows
- Build an integrated front-end portal to support self-service infrastructure & data provisioning
Business Outcome
- Successful migration to a self-service, elastic data/infra provisioning model
- Improved data quality, coverage, transparency & predictability
- Increased user adoption/satisfaction, resulting in fewer compliance issues
- Reduction in required support personnel & operational overhead costs